Come weekly for the teaching of God's Word, worship, fellowship, and service to God's people and our community;
N’ap tann ou Bethel pou sèvis adorasyon, amsèyman Pawòl Bondye, Priyè, kominyon fratènèl, epi sèvis nan Bethel ak nan kominote a.
This Week’s Focus:
Serving Like Jesus Served
Fokis Semèn Sa a:
Sèvi Tankou Jezi
(Mark 10:45)
"You must each decide in your heart how much to give. And don't give reluctantly or in response to pressure. For God loves a person who gives cheerfully." 2 Corinthians 9:7
Phone: 239-214-0809
Meeting Place
2600 Champion Ring Road
Fort Myers, FL 33901
Choosing Jesus as your Savior is the most important decision you'll ever make. It begins a lifelong relationship with Him. This starts by trusting in His sacrifice on the cross and having faith in Him alone. If you're ready to accept Jesus and start your relationship with God, you can pray this simple prayer by faith: "Dear God, I realize I am a sinner in need of a Savior. Today, I trust Jesus Christ alone as my Savior. Thank You, Jesus, for the forgiveness and eternal life I now have because You died for my sins and rose again. In Jesus' name, Amen."
If you prayed that prayer, welcome to God’s family! If you’re in the Fort Myers area, the BBFC family would love to meet you. If you’re elsewhere, let us know so we can help you find a local church to support your faith journey.
AKSEPTE JEZI kòm Sovè-w se pi gwo desizyon nan lavi-w! Se yon desizyon ki kòmanse lè ou rekonèt epi aksepte travay Jezi Kris te fè sou lakwa a pou padone tout peche-w yo. Èske-w ta renmen aksepte Jezi Kris pou-w ka kòmanse yon relasyon ak Bondye jodi a? Si wi, ou kapab senpleman priye priyè sa a ak lafwa: Bondye nan syèl la, mèsi paske-w ede-m reyalize mwen se yon pechè ki bezwen yon Sovè. Jodi a, mwen fè sèlman Jezi Kris konfyans kòm Sovè mwen. Mèsi, Jezi, pou padon peche-m yo ak lavi etènèl mwen genyen kounyeya paske Ou te mouri pou peche-m yo epi Ou leve soti vivan nan lanmò. Nan non Jezi mwen priye. Amèn.
Si-w te priye priyè lafwa sa a, nou rejwi epi nou ba ou yon gwo akolad nan fanmi Bondye a. Si-w nan zòn Fort Myers, nou ta renmen rankontre-w epi resevwa-w nan fanmi Bethel. Si-w nan yon lòt zòn, fè nou konnen pou nou ka ede-w jwenn yon legliz lokal pou ede-w grandi nan lafwa-w.
Sundays/Dimanch @ 10:30 am
2600 Champion Ring Road, Fort Myers, FL 33905
youtube: bbfchurch fm & facebook
(Koulwa Priyè)
Bezwen Priyè (Need Prayer)?
PA BLIYE: Ou panse ou pa bezwen priye toutotan ou poko bezwen priye
(REMEMBER THIS: The time you skip prayer could be the time you need it most)
JOIN US for prayer every Monday tonight
(priye ak nou chak Lendi swa a) 8:00 pm
AND every morning (chak maten) 5:30 am.
Dial: 701 801 9578. NO PIN NEEDED
Tanpri pataje (Please share)
Our Motto:
Deviz Nou:
Our Mission:
Discipling people for a committed,
vibrant relationship with
Jesus Christ and one another.
Misyon Nou:
Fè disip pou devlope relasyon
ki fidèl, sensè ak Bondye
epi yonn ak lòt.
Being a multi-cultural Christian fellowship church committed to discipling people to relationally commit to Christ and fellow believers, as they are measuring up to the full stature of Christ.
Vizyon Nou:
yon legliz kretyen ki genyen moun tout nasyon ak kilti ki devre pou fè disip pou devlope relasyon ki fidèl, sensè ak Kris epi yonn ak lòt pandan y’ap devlope, dapre dènye mezi devlòpman Kris la ki bon nèt…

Dr. Enel Fertil: Married Guerlène in 2003; two beautiful daughters (Zakiri and Evie).
Personal Testimony: Conversion (1987) & Baptism (1988). Interestingly, I grew up in church without having a personal relationship with Jesus Christ. Can you imagine it? In 1987, upon recognizing my sinfulness and need for Christ, I responded in faith to the Gospel message. Shortly thereafter, my mother and other local believers discussed my decision with me and helped to solidify my commitment to Christ who saved my life.
Calling: Very early I knew that I was called to the gospel ministry although I had no clue what that meant. During my college years, the call to ministry could not escape my mind. Nonetheless, I continued to pursue my self-centered career objectives until the summer of 2003 when I forsook everything to pursue that call. I married my wife, Guerlène, and together we went to Dallas Theological Seminary for training.
Dr. Enel Fertil
Visionary Pastor-Teacher
Biblical Counselor
Ph: 239- 214- 0809
After months of prayer, leadership training, and careful planning, Bethel Bible Fellowship Church was established in March 2013, marking the beginning of its public ministry and a new chapter in God's work in the Fort Myers community. Since then, God’s faithfulness has been evident in every step, guiding us through challenges and victories. We’ve seen lives transformed and souls saved in Fort Myers and beyond, all for the glory of Jesus Christ. As we look back, we give thanks to God, our faithful guide, protector, and provider, as we move forward into the future He has prepared for us.
BBFC is a denominationally-unaffiliated congregation for the purpose of being unhindered by restrictions and decisions of other churches or denominations that would determine our doctrine, belief, ministry, and message. Under the lordship of Jesus Christ, BBFC shall draw from the Bible the principles that determine our beliefs and practices.